
CBEA Note - 05

5. Synergistic Processor Unit

  1. The intent of the SPU is to fill a void between general-purpose processors and special-purpose hardware.
  2. SPU aims to achieve leadership performance on critical workloads for game, media, and broadband systems.
  3. The intent of the SPU and the CBEA is to provide a high degree of control to expert (real-time) programmers while maintaining ease of programming.
  4. The SPU implements a new instruction set architecture (ISA).
  5. The main characteristics of this architecture are:
    Load-and-store architecture with sequential semantics, using a set of 128 registers, each of which is 128 bits wide.
    Single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) capability
    – Sixteen 8-bit integers
    – Eight 16-bit integers
    – Four 32-bit integer or four single-precision floating-point values
    – Two double-precision floating point
    Load-and-store access to an associated local storage.
    Channel input/output for MFC control (used for external data access).
  6. The SPU has the following restrictions:
    No direct access to main storage (access to main storage using MFC facilities only)
    No distinction between user mode and privileged state
    No access to critical system control such as page-table entries (this restriction should be enforced by PPE privileged software).
    No synchronization facilities for shared local storage access
  7. The intent of the SPU is to enable applications that require a high computational unit density.
