- 32-bit RISC microprocessor
- 16-bit fixed-length instruction set
- 1 instruction cache
- 1 operand cache (copy-back/write-through, 4-entry full-associative instruction TLB)
- MMU (memory management unit) with 64-entry full-associative shared TLB.
- 32-bit internal data bus
- 32 general registers(32-bit)
- 8 shadow registers(32-bit)
- 7 control registers(32-bit)
- 4 system registers(32-bit)
- Load-store architecture
- Delayed branch instructions
- Conditional execution
- Superscalar architecture: Parallel execution of two instructions
- C-based instruction set(providing simultaneous execution of two instructions)
including FPU - Instruction execution time: Maximum 2 instructions/cycle
- Virtual address space: 4 Gbytes (448-Mbyte external memory space)
- Space identifier ASIDs: 8 bits, 256 virtual address spaces
- On-chip multiplier
- Five-stage pipeline
- On-chip floating-point coprocessor
- Supports single-precision (32 bits) and double-precision (64 bits)
- IEEE754-compliant
- Two rounding modes: Round to Nearest and Round to Zero
- Floating-point registers: 32 bits x 16 words x 2 banks
(single-precision x 16 words or double-precision x 8 words) x 2 banks - 32-bit CPU-FPU floating-point communication register (FPUL)
- Supports FMAC (multiply-and-accumulate), FDIV (divide) and FSQRT (square root) instructions.
- Supports FLDI0/FLDI1 (load constant 0/1) instructions
- Instruction execution times:
- Latency (FMAC/FADD/FSUB/FMUL): 3 cycles (single-precision), 8 cycles (double-precision)
- Pitch (FMAC/FADD/FSUB/FMUL): 1 cycle (single-precision), 6 cycles
- Note: FMAC is supported for single-precision only. - 3-D graphics instructions (single-precision only):
- 4-dimensional vector conversion and matrix operations (FTRV): 4 cycles
(pitch), 7 cycles (latency)
- 4-dimensional vector (FIPR) inner product: 1 cycle (pitch), 4 cycles (latency) - Five-stage pipeline
- Sleep mode
- Standby mode
- Module standby function
- 4-Gbyte address space, 256 address space identifiers (8-bit ASIDs)
- Single virtual mode and multiple virtual memory mode
- Supports multiple page sizes: 1 kbyte, 4 kbytes, 64 kbytes, 1 Mbyte
- 4-entry fully-associative TLB for instructions
- 64-entry fully-associative TLB for instructions and operands
- Supports software-controlled replacement and random-counter replacement algorithm
- TLB contents can be accessed directly by address mapping