Use EBOOT.PBP of 2.71 Updater as example:
(All data was saved in Little Endian format)
00 50 42 50 = 0x50425000 -> File Identifier
00 00 01 00 = 0x00010000 -> Version Number?
00 00 00 28 = 0x00000028 -> Offset of PARAM.SFO
48 08 00 00 = 0x00000848 -> Offset of ICON0.PNG
45 34 00 00 = 0x00003445 -> Offset of ICON1.PMF
45 34 00 00 = 0x00003445 -> Offset of UNKNOWN.PNG
45 34 00 00 = 0x00003445 -> Offset of PIC1.PNG
45 34 00 00 = 0x00003445 -> Offset of SND0.AT3
45 34 00 00 = 0x00003445 -> Offset of UNKNOWN.PSP
85 DB 4D 00 = 0x004DDB85 -> Offset of UNKNOWN.PSAR
儲存各種 UNKNOWN.PSP 執行時的相關資訊, 例如: UNKNOWN.PSP 為 UMD GAME/UMD Video/UMD Audio/Memeory Stick Game/Wireless Game 等等其中一種, 以及支援何種 Region(地區)等等必要的資訊
2. ICON0.PNG (Thumbnail Icon)
在 PSP 中選擇此 EBOOT.PBP 時, 秀給使用者看的小圖式
3. ICON1.PNG (Movie Icon Highlighted)
4. UNKNOWN.PNG (Thumbnail Icon Highlighted)
5. PIC1.PNG (Background Image)
在 PSP 中選擇此 EBOOT.PBP 時的背景圖
6. SND0.AT3 (Ambient Sound)
在 PSP 中選擇此 EBOOT.PBP 時, 播放的背景音樂
5. UNKNOWN.PSP (PlayStation Program?)
當使用者確定執行此 EBOOT.PBP 時, 所要執行的程式
6. UNKNOWN.PSAR (PlayStation ARchive?)
執行 UNKNOWN.PSP 時, 所需要先載入的 Library?